4th Generation

Generally in every family will have two children
on average. Up to 10 years no problem, we should not say any work,
for the time being, we should allot some work in home also.
Basically mother will be tired so much with
cooking and cleaning. So we should allot some basic cleaning work to the children
above 10 years.
Beginning Tea cups cleaning, then plates
cleaning, then kettles cleaning. Finally we should give suggestion that, in
kitchen Sink should be empty without cleanable vessels. Otherwise that kitchen
sink will with full of mosquitoes, that leads to fevers and other effects also,
lack of fresh air. So be careful.
We should suggest them, not to do at part, for
the time being, while going to the kitchen room, some of the vessels, if they clean,
burden on mother will be reduced.
Cleaning vessels in kitchen, cleaning rooms etc.,
these works will reduce their violent feelings in them, Only reading and playing will
give in them over confidence, sometimes, they will not understand the risks in home.
If all works are done by mother, means, one day,
she will dry out, for not doing anything. That situation is bad to the entire family.
Even at the time of work allotment also, when
mother says anything, father should be silent. Then only, children will take
positively. That culture every family should maintain.
If they tired something, father can solace them. Commitment and interest will be
changed from generation to generation. In the primary level always think about
Job then Home. Further generation then think about their interests and reputation.
If they left them likewise, without working,
they cannot hear at the age of 15. So we should habituate them from the age of
10 years. It gives value of life and time in them.
Especially for boys, buying simple vegetables
to home, carrying mineral water to home, likewise, simple works in home,
they will be home oriented for the rest of their time.
Otherwise they will be addicted to playing
outside, unnecessary friendships will develop to disturb them. They will
play cricket and some other plays, without understanding
the risks in home.
According to our capability and home situations
and works, we should habituate to them for the time-being from child hood.
Reading and Playing is also important to children at the same time, they
should share the risks in home also.
These are all depends on parents only.
If parents give, proper guidance, generally they will here.
How Industry 4.0 will affect the society:
Industry 4.0, especially when coupled with machine learning and artificial
intelligence, will substantially change conditions for workers: Many jobs
will disappear while we will gain a lot of new jobs, and many repetitive
tasks will shift from manual labour to automation. It will have a big impact.
Impacts of the fourth industrial revolution:
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is changing how we live, work, and communicate.
It is reshaping government, education, healthcare, and commerce—almost every
aspect of life. In the future, it can also change the things we value and the
way we value them.
What are the 4 types of revolutions:
The 4 Industrial Revolutions.
The first Industrial Revolution 1765. The first industrial
revolution followed the proto-industrialization period.
The second Industrial Revolution 1870. Following the first Industrial Revolution,
almost a century later we see the world go through the second.
The Third Industrial Revolution 1969.
Industry 4.0.
What is the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th industrial revolutions:
The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used
electronics and information technology to automate production. Now a Fourth
Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that
has been occurring since the middle of the last century.
How does Industries affect the society:
Industrialization, while important for the economic growth and development of
a society, can also be harmful to the environment. Amongst other things industrial
process can cause climate change, pollution to air, water and soil, health issues,
extinction of species, and more.
Which revolution are we in now:
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a way of describing the blurring of
boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. It is a
fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet
of Things (IoT), 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and
other technologies.
Are we living in a technological revolution:
The time, we are living in, is called the Technological era. Like previous
revolutions technology has affected the lives, living standards and every
aspect of the life in a greater way. Earlier revolutions were limited to
some specific segments of the society or even to the countries.
Wishing you all the best,